UK Recommended Dietary Guidelines.

Daily Serving

1 serving =

Bread portion

A large slice of bread  2 small slices

Cereals  6 portions

 28g 1oz cereal

Potatoes  1 portion

15g 4oz Potatoes

Pasta  90g 3.5oz cooked pasta rice etc.

Meat & Fish  3. portions
4oz 90g cooked lean meat, fish or poultry, or 2 eggs

Pulses  2 portions
6oz 175g cooked pulses

Cheese  1 portion
 1oz 28g medium fat cheese eg.
 Edam, Camembert, Brie, Ricotta
4oz 115g low fat cheese eg. cottage cheese

Milk  1/3 pint milk 190ml

Yogurt  2 portions
 5oz 150g yogurt

Fruit and Veg  5 portions

 1 piece fruit

3.5oz 90g cooked veg

large salad portion

Fats and oils 5 to 1oz

15 to 25g 

Saturated fat 10 to 15g max

The safe limit for Hydrogenated Vegetable oils is about 5g. beware these trans-fats, oxidising agents, which block absorption of nutritious oils.

Recommend 1 teaspoon safflower or sunflower oil per day.

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